Best Firewood Racks | The Art of Firewood Storage

by Lucas Lee

With so many types of firewood racks to buy in online and brick and mortar stores, many people have a hard time choosing the best. Which model is the right one for you? To help you and other people looking to create a dry and effective space for storing firewood all year round, we have reviewed the best firewood racks in the market today. In the first section of the article, we have talked about everything you will need to know about firewood. I know you will learn something; I promise.

ShelterLogic 4-foot
ShelterLogic 4-foot firewood rack.
ShelterLogic 4-foot

If you are interested in firewood racks only, skip the first 1/2 of this article.

Firewood | What You Need to Know

There are many things in life that we buy or prepare without a second thought. Firewood is one of them. You probably know what firewood is, right? While the answer to this question seems obvious to most people, in truth, most people have no idea what firewood is because of a lack of or limited access to information. The key to getting the best product(s) in stores is to have an in-depth understanding of the item that you are buying. While firewood seems to be basic and insignificant to most people, most people do not know the available types, which is a bummer.


A Definition of Firewood

Generally, firewood is just wood. More specifically, it refers to a piece of wood that people use to generate fires for heating or cooking. While the definition is broad and somewhat cliché, it provides a broader perspective of what firewood is.

Therefore, firewood is any wooden material used as fuel in homes or commercial areas such as hotels – not just chopped logs as some individuals often think.

Most of the time, firewood is attainable raw – not processed. This means that any piece of firewood that you will buy offline or online will resemble the tree from which it originated. It can be in the form of logs, twigs, or branches and produces a warm and soothing fire that boosts comfort during cold months (winter).

However, you can also get firewood in a few less recognizable forms, including wood chips and pellets. These processed pellets and chips do not resemble trees.

The Science of Firewood

The thought that firewood is just a piece of a tree for lighting fires is not true!

There is more to firewood, which most of us do not know. Understanding firewood is a complex science that requires a bit of studying to understand fully.

For instance, know that people derive firewood from different species of trees. trees. This is an obvious fact as different species grow well in different areas.

A Cord of Wood — Learn More

One cord of wood looks like this

Why is the information in this article important to you? First, because different types or species of trees have different characteristics, you should understand what is on offer and select the best. Moreover, the quality of wood differs from one species to the next. While buying, look for the type that will satisfy your needs. Check the following qualities to determine if the wood is the best for you or not.

  • Heat content
  • Burning characteristics
  • Weight of wood (green)
  • Resistance to splitting (or ease)
  • Smoke production (level)
  • The sparks produced by wood
  • The fragrance of wood
  • The overall quality

As you can see, you should evaluate multiple factors to know whether the type of firewood you are buying is good or not. Multiple comparison charts for doing such an evaluation are available online. These compare the attributes of firewood from different species of trees to help you to settle on the best one for your home.

While all these factors are important, they revolve around two broad attributes – the dry and green weight of the wood.

Therefore, while choosing firewood, evaluate the greed weight of wood before anything else and compare it with the dry weight of the same wood. Here is a detailed definition of what these terms mean and their significance in firewood.

Green Weight

This refers to the weight of freshly cut wood (before drying it).

Dry Weight

This refers to the weight of wood after drying.

Why are these important?

Green weight, evaluated when the wood is fresh from a tree, is an indicator of the water level of a tree/branch. If you compare this to the dry weight of wood, you can judge the water content of wood and therefore whether it will be suitable for your job. In most cases, green wood has over 50% more water than dry wood.

The next logical question should be…

How does this affect you?

Green wood is not as good as dry wood for many reasons. Here are some of them.

First, whenever you burn wood, it produces heat. However, because green wood has a high-water content, the heat it generates boils off the large volume of water in it rather than radiating heat to the environment. Because this happens before combustion can occur, green wood produces less heat compared to dry wood.

You should also check the density of the smoke that green wood release when lit. Generally, green wood releases large plumes of smoke than dry wood. Apart from smoke, green wood also releases large amounts of creosote, which deposits in chimneys. Creosote is very flammable and thus can cause chimney fires when lit.

The density of the wood, which represents the dry weight of wood per unit volume, is also critical. Overall, dense wood burns for longer and therefore produces more heat for longer than light wood. Dense wood is also compact and easy to handle.

Cost-Effective Electric Wood Splitter | WEN 56206

WEN 56206
A compact log splitter that saves time while splitting wood.
WEN 56206

Our guideline can educate you on which is better.

Broadleaf trees or hardwoods have denser wood compared to softwoods.

Like we said, multiple other factors apart from species affect the density of the wood.

For instance, a tree’s resistance is splitting is a good indicator of its density. Species that are susceptible to splitting are generally soft and therefore easier to process. You can cut large pieces of wood without exerting a lot of effort. Moreover, wood with splits dry faster and have a lower quantity of water in them, making them ideal for burning in stoves or wood-fired fireplaces, to name a few.

If you are shopping for wood for burning in fireplaces, you should also factor in attributes such as sparks and the fragrance the wood releases while burning. The sparks from wood have embers that are a potential fire hazard when they land on wood, fabric, or any other flammable material. While sparking is not related to the dry weight of wood, the species of the parent tree plays a role. Wood generated from conifers, for instance, is more likely to spark heavily compared to other species because of its high resin content. Thus, it might be unsafe to use indoors.

You can find more information on firewood on Wikipedia.

Kindling Cracker: Cast Iron Kindling Tool

Kindling Cracker
Splits firewood quicker than a standard axe does.
Kindling Cracker


  • Provides an effective and safe way for kindling wood.
  • Requires less force to split firewood compared to an axe.
  • Long-lasting cast iron design. Australian made product.
  • Minimal maintenance.
  • Permanent mounting holes.

Symptoms of Bad Firewood

How can you tell when you received a bad batch of firewood?

Such wood has multiple symptoms indicative of their quantity and quality that you can check out. Let us check out some of the commonest symptoms to look for.

  • First, low-quality firewood does not light easily. You will try a couple of times to get it to light, which might be frustrating. Considering that people use firewood to cook and heat, a product that does not light will only lower your productivity and frustrate you in the end. Apart from having a hard time lighting, bad firewood does not retain heat or fire for long. It might flicker and die off without notice, frustrating your cooking or heating activities in the end. You will never have a constant supply of heat or fire.
  • With bad wood, expect an abnormally high amount of smoke whenever you light it on fire. Therefore, while in use indoors, you might pollute and lower the integrity of air. Moreover, soot can cake and dirty your glasses, walls, and other add-ons and leave nasty smells after cooking or heating the home.
  • As elucidated before, bad firewood releases large volumes of creosote, which can build up on the walls of your chimney. Since creosote is flammable, it becomes a potential fire hazard if it accumulates to high levels.
  • Bad firewood has a low heat output, which might be a bummer on a cold night during winter. You can avoid such issues by checking the dry weight of wood on the outset before you order a large batch for your home or office.

These symptoms are indicative of the low quality of wet firewood at home. To solve the problem, order a new batch of dry wood from a reputable retailer today.

The Art of Seasoning Firewood

Seasoning wood is an intricate process that involves more than just drying wood. To do it correctly, you must understand why people season wood and the entire process off head. The process is an art, which you will enjoy with a bit of effort.

Many commercial suppliers of firewood have different claims on wood seasoning. Some recommend that you do it in the summer, while some recommend that you should use wood that they cut the previous summer. What these retailers do not tell you is how to season firewood. You should cut the wood into manageable pieces and pile them to season naturally. Do not dry them under direct sunlight for best results.



This is because the logs layered on the pile might not receive enough sunshine and therefore might nod dry optimally. On the contrary, the wood piles on top will get sufficient sunshine and dry faster than others. This is often the case if you do not replace the top layer with a new batch during the curing process.

Wood that does not dry correctly will often let you down and even compromise the functionality of your heater or stove. Recently split wood is equally bad so watch out.

There is more to these claims than meets the eye. While the quality of the wood you use can influence seasoning results, there is more to this process.

While curing wood, for instance, watch out for mold. Because of its water content, freshly cut wood tends to grow and spread mold, making them a health hazard. Used as firewood or cooking fuel, for instance, the wood can spread mold to your drywall and other areas of the home, leading to expensive repairs. To avoid such issues, buy properly seasoned wood. Next, stack the wood in an airy place.

How Do You Season Firewood?

You can season firewood in the following four simple steps:

  1. Cut
  2. Split
  3. Pile
  4. Dry

We have a detailed review of each step to help you to gain a better understanding of the importance of each step and how to conduct them well.

Cutting the Wood

Before seasoning wood, make sure that it is the correct length and size. It does not matter how you cut the wood or who does the cutting. Obtain a prefabricated length from a company that produces firewood or a wholesaler and use it as a guide while cutting firewood. The length of wood is important as it is an indicator of whether the piece will fit in your stove or fireplace. The right length makes wood easy to handle.

For the best experience, always cut wood approximately three inches smaller than the largest dimension of your wood stove. As such, while firing up the stove, your wood will slide in effortlessly, saving your time. Also, make sure that you factor the breadth of the box in your decision-making. Cut wood in a manner that you will have an easy time loading it in from most directions or orientations.

Normal store-bought firewood measures around 16 inches for numerous reasons. First, because cords measure 48-inches long, you can stack three rows of firewood to save space. Each section of the cord will measure approximately 16 inches.

Maintaining a 16-inch length also boosts the practicality of the firewood. From published data, most people have a hard time handling or using pieces of wood that measure over 16 inches long. Maintaining a 16-inch length makes it easy to handle.

To produce quality firewood, do your best to maintain a consistent length while cutting wood. The acceptable difference between the two pieces is less than an inch.

Splitting Wood

What is the difference between splitting and cutting firewood? While they sound the same, cutting wood refers to its length and splitting the cross-section of the wood. Most commercial firewood that people order offline or online is too large to use in traditional and contemporary stoves. While shopping for a new batch for your home, by firewood with a 6-inch cross-section, as they work the best in stoves. Furnaces are slightly larger but also struggle to ignite and burn thick chunks of wood.

One of the benefits of having smaller pieces of firewood is their lower ignition point. They do not require a lot of effort to ignite and burn ferociously once the fire builds.

Smaller pieces of firewood are also beneficial than larger pieces as they take a shorter time to dry. Because most of the water of a tree is in its bark, having a thicker bark translates to more water in the wood, which prolongs drying. To hasten the process, split wood into thin strips and expose it to the sun to hasten evaporation.

For these reasons, people who rely on firewood for cooking and heating look for new stock at least six months before their current stock is over. Therefore, before buying, always ask the supplier when he/she cut and stacked the wood. This will give you an idea of the quality/status of the wood and the severity of the work ahead.

Piling the Wood

The best wood for cooking and heating should have a moisture content of less than 20%. Therefore, you must pile yours efficiently to maximize sun exposure to reach this state. The wind is also beneficial while drying wood so keep it in mind as well.

To maximize the action of the sun and wind on wood, do the following things:

Always pile wood in an area exposed to the sun. You will need its energy to warm your wood and dry them to the recommended level. Space should also have optimal wind flow to synergize the effect of the sun and reduce moisture to the recommended rate naturally. Because wood is bulky and heavy, you might have a hard time getting sufficient space for your firewood. If this is the case, you should not pile two rows of firewood to save space. Maintain ample space between the rows to enable a seamless flow of air/the wind. You should also make sure that the sun penetrates all areas of the pile to fast-track the drying process significantly.

The Process of Drying Wood

Most people leave stacked wood outdoor for more than six months because of limited storage space. This should not be the case as six months is sufficient for drying most species of wood. Furthermore, consider stacking your wood at the start of spring. This way, your wood would have cured by the time winter sets in.

While following these guidelines could help, your experience might differ based on the climatic condition of your locality. If you experience long, hot summers, you will have better-seasoned wood than somebody who lives in a cold area. If the summers are not hot enough, you will have to dry wood for longer to get good results.

General Tools MMD4E Digital Moisture Meter
Affordable and suitable for checking the moisture level of firewood
General Tools MMD4E Digital Moisture Meter

Never order or uses waterlogged wood at home. You can now check the quality of wood in real-time using one of the best products available online.

Firewood Coverage

Once you have completed seasoning successfully, you should decide whether you want to cover your cured wood or not. Most people struggle with this thought, especially while storing firewood for the first time. From the available literature, covers seem to hasten the drying of firewood by protecting them from the rain.

While plastic sheet covers are effective, they can be a pain to use if you live in a windy area. You will find yourself running after them often whenever a small gust of wind blows through your stack of firewood. To overcome such issues, consider setting up a makeshift aluminum roof as they are sturdy, windproof, and leak-proof. You can also leave them open if you get a small amount of rain every month.

Stack Wood the Right Way!

After a long (six months) curing process, people stack wood for safe storage and to protect them from the elements. For most of us, this is a fun moment as it requires little effort than the previous steps. Most people can do this without breaking a sweat.

However, even though simple, do not rush through the process. While a neat stack of wood might be pleasing to the eye, ensure that your wood is dry before you attempt to stack it. Dry wood does not rot nor grows mold. It is the best.

Pay keen attention to the way you stack your wood – it is critical. If you dump yours in the field, the stacked wood will draw in moistures and start to rot, which has its share of issues. Strive to keep your product dry all year long to protect them from damage. Stacking wood is a science that involves critical steps for securing wood.

Orient the Sticks

To help your wood to dry evenly, store it in a well-aerated area where the wind moves freely. The best way to do this is to position the sticks facing the direction of the wind. That way, you will be able to channel wind throughout, drying evenly.

Keep the Rot Away

The moisture from the earth can travel through the soil up a dry stack of wood and ruining their moisture content. Left unchecked, this can lead to rot or the growth of mold, therefore, ruining your year’s supply of firewood. Prevent such problems.

The best way to prevent rotting is to stack your cord of dry wood off the ground. This is not as hard as some people make it. All you need is a strong, elevated base.

The base, if water-resistant, will elevate the stockpile or wood and position it above the earth or your floor. This boosts aeration and prevents moisture build-up.

Horizontal Boards

They create an evenly stacked pile of wood that will dry quickly, make sure that your horizontal boards are flat and even. This way, you will keep your stack of wood well balanced on a porch or your preferred storage area. How can you tell when you have a well-stacked pile of wood? The cord will not shift when people pass by.

Sometimes, you should join two stacks of wood to create a gentle “V” shape. This position is one of the most stable as it enables the two stacks of wood to provide additional support for one another. They do not tumble down over time.

You can position the horizontal boards in two orientations – two over one or two over two fashion. What do these orientations mean? In two over two, two pieces of wood stack over the two groves formed by the two pieces of wood below them. In two over one, stack one piece of wood in a groove formed by two pieces of wood.

Remember that you will not be able to create a tall pile of wood without providing additional support. If you fail to do this, the probability of your pile of wood falling and injuring somebody is high. Use a wall or a fence to stack your pile of wood as they have a sturdy and flat surface. Moreover, by using a fence or wall, you are killing two birds with one stone, which is admirable as well.

Channeling the Air

As discussed previously, you should channel air through your stack of wood to hasten drying. One of the best ways to do this professionally is by creating deep air channels between stacks of wood. Add a few odd-shaped pieces of wood to your piles to create voids that air can circulate through and evaporate moisture.

The Shape and Size

You can set up wood stacks of different sizes and shapes without sacrificing stability or safety. The height or design that you choose is a matter of personal preference. Most people experiment with different creative sizes or shapes to boost the aesthetic value of their homes. Others prefer a simple, low profile design for easy access to wood when needed. No matter the design you choose, make sure that your pile of wood is neat and well organized, as that will be indicative of a neat and organized homeowner. Wood stacked haphazardly not only looks untidy but is also unsafe.

Stacking Inside

The rules for stacking fences indoors and outdoors ate the same. However, whenever you are stacking wood indoors, keep the following additional tips in mind:

First, make sure that your wood is dry to the recommended level (<20%) before your stack it indoors. Old or water-logged wood is prone to rotting or growing mold if you store it indoors for one simple reason. Most homes have an insulated interior that does not allow air to flow in or heat to flow out. Most modern homes also trap water vapor, which is a recipe for disaster when exposed to a piece of wood/firewood.

While in storage, each cord of wood releases around half a ton of water into the environment. Thus, if you stack it in an insulated home that traps vapor, you will have mold growing in your walls or the ceiling in weeks or months. Excess vapor also lowers the integrity of wallpaper, which leads to costly repairs in the end. Storing wet wood inside your home is a costly mistake that you should avoid at all costs.

Another thing that you should know about stacking wood indoors is that wood reeks. Fresh red oak or cherry, for instance, produces a sharp and rancid smell that might be unbearable to humans and pets. Do not stack such species indoors at all costs.

Finally, fresh wood provides a habitat for insects such as beetles. Stacked indoors, the battles mature and spread to other timber in the home. If you do not control the pests, they can bore into wood and compromise the structure/stability of your house.

Fortunately, with seasoned wood, these are non-issues. You can stack them indoors for months at a time without worrying about moisture/annoying pests such as beetles.

Firewood Racks | Buying Guide

Firewood racks are among the best products for securing firewood in storage. They come in a range of sizes measuring 3 feet to 12 feet long and have secure designs that help you to organize firewood neatly. With one, your home will look clean and well-organized. Moreover, the risk of your wood toppling over in storage is relatively low.

Here are other benefits of using firewood stacks compared to other usual methods:

  • By positioning wood above the ground, racks keep wood dry and rot-free
  • Firewood racks are suitable for organizing firewood. Most models have a secure, classy, and clutter-free design that blends well with most homes.
  • These racks eliminate breeding sites for pests such as rodents and snakes, which are harmful to humans. Instead of stacking wood haphazardly and leaving large pockets of space, you get a cleaner look without such spaces.

How to Select the Best Firewood Rack

The best firewood racks come in multiple versatile designs that can satisfy the needs of most people. To select a model that will satisfy your needs, evaluate your reasons for buying a new rack before heading out to shop. Why do you need the rack? How do you intend to use it at home? Finally, will you be using a rack indoors/outdoors?

Outdoor Vs Indoor Racks

The main difference between outdoor and indoor firewood racks lies in their strength. While choosing a firewood rack for outdoor use, look for a heavy-duty product that can withstand daily abuse from the elements. It should also be larger and therefore able to accommodate and secure larger cords of wood compared to an indoor rack. Indoor racks are relatively smaller and therefore accommodate smaller batches of wood. Moreover, because they are set up in communal spaces such as living areas, they come in intricate and functional designs that can please the eye.

Size Matters

Size is a critical element to check out while selecting a firewood rack for your home. Overall, the size of a wood rack is an indicator of the amount of wood you can load or store on it. You should also factor in where you will be using the rack before you settle on a size. As stated earlier, indoor racks are generally stylish and smaller than outdoor models. Moreover, if you have space constraints, do not buy a very larger rack that will cover all your available space. Keep this in mind while out shopping.

What is The Firewood Rack Made Of?

It is essential to check the type and quality of the material used to make your rack of choice before reaching for your wallet. For the best results, look for a product made from robust materials such as wood, metal, and acrylic. They support heavy loads.

While it is tempting to buy the hardest material, also factor in the placement of the rack in your decision making. If you will be using it outdoors, a durable metal rack, even though heavy, will serve you the best. If you need one for indoor use, opting for a cheaper model made from a lesser durable material is a good financial decision. Metal racks not only cost a fortune but also require intricate set up to work well.

Financial Constraints

No matter the type, size, and brand of firewood rack that you are planning to buy, always check the price before committing. Price is a determinant of the quality of products. Therefore, going too cheap will work against you most of the time. Racks made of quality materials such as metal cost a fortune but offer value for money over their lifespan. Check your budget and order a product that will satisfy your needs.

Do not compromise quality for the price, though. The product that you order should be durable and able to accommodate and support the amount of wood that you have at home. Research, compare the available options, and buy a product that delivers.

Types of Firewood Racks

While shopping for firewood racks, you will come across numerous novel brands in your favorite store. They also come in multiple stunning designs broadly classified in two broad categories. Let us check out the features and pros and cons of each one.

The Classic Firewood Rack

Classic firewood racks are among the most popular in the market because of their size and functionality. These racks have a long and stable design with retainer walls on the side that protect wood from falling over. They are also easy to set and use in most settings. All you do is fasten a few bolts, position it in your preferred location, and add wood. Premium models can fit wood stacks measuring around 3-9 feet.

Most premium firewood racks are wood or metal. Metallic models are mostly made of steel, which is waterproof and long lasting. A new one will serve you well for years.

The Log Hoop

As its name suggests, the log hoop is perfect for storing large (or bulky) wood (or logs). Most of them work indoors in hallways or near fireplaces as they have a decorative, free-standing design. They cradle wood safely, which is ideal as well.

Best Firewood Racks | The Classics

From our discussions, firewood racks seem to be important household accessories that play many roles. If you need one, here are the bestsellers in the market in 2023.

With all the knowledge that you have been equipped with, you can now understand the importance of using a firewood rack. Let us look at some of the most popular models that are available in the market today.

Landmann 82433 | 8-foot Firewood Rack

Landmann 82433 | 8-foot Firewood Rack
This solid firewood rack will satisfy your storage needs.
Landmann 82433 | 8-foot Firewood Rack

While choosing a rack, choose a model with a cover to save a few dollars in the end.

Different Models:


  • Suitable for drying and storing firewood.
  • Long lasting steel frame (tubular).
  • Reliable all-year performance.
  • Weather-resistant powder-coat finish.
  • Positions wood 9 ½-inches off of the ground, thus protecting it moisture, water, mud, and insects.
  • Easy to assemble. The package has all hardware for assembly.

Landmann 82433 has a clean and simplistic design that blends with and works well in most settings. Whether you have a rustic or modern home, a new one will never let you down if set up correctly. Talking about its set up, you will never struggle to install this accessory at home. It snaps on seamless to form a stable storage area for wood in two sizes (4 feet and 8 feet). Therefore, you can adapt it to your space and keep firewood safe for weeks or months. The tubular steel used to make this product is one of the best as it is durable. It can support heavy loads without buckling or bending. The surface has a cool-looking black them with a protective powder coat that prevents it from rusting. A new rack will serve you well for several years.

Landmann 82433 stands out from other similar products because of its versatility. While its ability to withstand a lot of abuse makes it an ideal outdoor stand, you can use one indoors as well with stunning results. Its simplistic and well-finished design blends well with contemporary and rustic décor. Moreover, because it comes in two sizes, you can select the best model for your space and use it to secure firewood.

Panacea 15203 Deluxe | 4-Foot Firewood Rack

Panacea 15203 Deluxe | 4-Foot Firewood Rack
Keep insects out of firewood.
Panacea 15203 Deluxe | 4-Foot Firewood Rack

The Panacea 15203 deluxe it’s a reputable firewood rack that you can use indoors o or outdoors. It has a tubular frame (steel) with a protective coating that prevents rust and corrosion if you expose it to the elements. It can withstand tough conditions.

Shelterlogic Backyard Storage Series | 12-Foot Firewood Rack

Shelterlogic Backyard Storage Series | 12-Foot Firewood Rack
An excellent product for storing large batches of wood.
Shelterlogic Backyard Storage Series | 12-Foot Firewood Rack

  • 4-Foot ShelterLogic | Firewood Rack
    • Measures 15.5 inches (D) x7 inches (W) x 46.6 inches (H) (assembled).
    • Can accommodate up to 1/5 cord of wood.
  • 8-Foot ShelterLogic | Firewood Rack
    • Measures 15.5 inches (D) x 2 inches(W) x 46.6 inches (H) [assembled dimensions].
    • You can adjust the cover to 24 inches long to cover more wood.
    • Accommodated up to 2/5 cord of wood.
  • 12-Foot ShelterLogic | Firewood Rack
    • Measures 15.5 inches (D) x7 inches (W) x 46.6 inches (H) (assembled dimensions).
    • Accommodates 3/5 cord of wood.


  • To prevent moisture, bugs, rot, and mold from ruining your wood, always keep firewood off the ground.
  • The all-steel frame of this rack is not only easy to assemble but also has a protective powder-coat (black) that prevents rust and corrosion.
  • You can adjust the cover to fit split wood measuring up to 24 inches long.
  • Adjustable polyester cover (two-way) slides up/down to fit most wood stacks.

The ShelterLogic Backyard storage series secures and airs firewood to hasten drying. Like other brands that we have reviewed, it has a raised base that positions your wood off the ground. It also has an open structure that channels air through the wood.

ShelterLogic Adjustable Heavy Duty Outdoor Firewood Rack
What size do you need?
ShelterLogic Adjustable Heavy Duty Outdoor Firewood Rack

You can get the ShelterLogic backyard storage series in three sizes measuring four, eight, and 12 feet. The 12-foot model is the largest and therefore can accommodate large batches of wood better than the two smaller models. The ShelterLogic has a good reputation for producing firewood racks with this 12-foot model standing out.

Visit ShelterLogic for more information.

Panacea 15209 — 40 Inches | Circular Firewood Rack

Panacea 15209 — 40 Inches | Circular Firewood Rack
For indoor or outdoor use.
Panacea 15209 — 40 Inches | Circular Firewood Rack

Available in 40-Inch and 20-Inch sizes.


  • Perfect for drying, storing, and displaying firewood.
  • The frame is a thick steel tubing with a powder coat that protects it from the elements.
  • Emanated from Panacea’s Open Hearth Collection.
  • Works outdoors and indoors.

The best Panacea products have taken the world by storm due to their unique quality. Like other models, The Panacea 15209 is a top-rated firewood rack that deserves recognition. This product has a stunning circular shape that blends well with most areas of the home. It comes in two sizes; 40-inches and 20 inches.

While this firewood rack is not overly ornate, it has a unique charm that appeals to most people. Moreover, it is heavy-duty steel (tubular) and has a protective powder coat, you get a heavy-duty rack that will not rust if you decide to use it outdoors. Even though the Panacea can withstand mild outdoor weather, it works best indoors.

Hopkins 90144 2X4 BASICS | Cheap Firewood Rack

Hopkins 90144 2X4 BASICS | Cheap Firewood Rack
If you are on a tight budget, this simple yet effective rack will be perfect for you.
Hopkins 90144 2X4 BASICS | Cheap Firewood Rack


  • This durable and affordable firewood rack measures 4 feet high and 8 feet wide.
  • Easy to set up using one screwdriver(included in the package).
  • This 2×4-foot firewood rack spans 8 feet (2.4m). It is around 16 inches deep.
  • This single level Firewood Rack is compatible with other models. You can create a double-decker unit with a second one.
  • Limited two-year warranty.

This basic Hopkins rack has a durable and cost-effective design that measures 2×4 inches. It also has a versatile design that fits large volumes of wood and delivers professional results in most settings. You get a well-engineered wooden rack that requires a screwdriver to set up. This product measures around four feet high and eight inches wide. Its depth is 16 inches, making it perfect for storing wood.

This product has a single level rack, which is a bummer for people with large cords of wood. Fortunately, if you can afford more than one piece, you can stack them together to create additional space while saving floor space at the same time. You only need a screwdriver to transform it from a single row to a multiple row rack.

Pleasant Hearth | Adjustable Heavy-Duty Log Rack

Pleasant Hearth | Adjustable Heavy-Duty Log Rack
Has an adjustable design that can satisfy the needs of most people.
Pleasant Hearth | Adjustable Heavy-Duty Log Rack

Available in three models:

Features (for the three log racks):

  • Its robust tubular frame has a protective powder-coat (black) that prevents rust and corrosion.
  • Stacks firewood neatly off the ground.
  • Minimal assembly required.
  • Works seamlessly outdoors.
Pleasant Hearth - 32mm Heavy Duty Log Rack,
The perfect size for most homeowners.
Pleasant Hearth - 32mm Heavy Duty Log Rack,

The Pleasant Hearth is the last in this trilogy that we will check out. Like other models in the list, it has a heavy-duty frame made from tubular steel. The material also has a protective powder coat that looks niche and prevents rust and corrosion.

The Pleasant Hearth is available in two sizes (8 feet and 4 feet) and an adjustable rack that you can customize to satisfy your needs. It needs minimal assembly and square holes that boost the stability of the rack and its contents. Considering the amount of weight that you will be loading on this product; it is one of the best.

The 32mm Pleasant Hearth log rack has a robust design that works well outdoors.

Which Firewood Rack is Best for You?

I hope that this article has improved your understanding of firewood. Most people take firewood for granted but use it to cook or stay warm all through the winter. While ordering a new batch of firewood, the information we shared herein can help you to make good choices. You can identify quality wood and store it correctly.

Seasoning can help you to keep firewood dry. However, you must do much more to keep a healthy stack of firewood that will not rot or grow mold over time. During storage, for instance, elevate the wood from damp ground to protect it from rotting. Moreover, look for a heavy-duty rack that can protect wood and will last for years.

Thanks for taking the time to review our article on firewood racks. We hope that you have found the information helpful and came out wiser than you came.

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Buy on Etsy

8-foot cover (sold separately) - Walmart Link

Shelterlogic Backyard Storage Series - Walmart Link

Panacea 15209 — 40 Inches | Circular Firewood Rack - Walmart Link

Hopkins 90144 2X4 BASICS - Walmart Link

Pleasant Hearth | Adjustable Heavy-Duty Log Rack - Walmart Link

Pleasant Hearth Firewood Rack - Walmart Link

Buy on eBay

8-foot cover (sold separately) - eBay Link

Shelterlogic Backyard Storage Series - eBay Link

Panacea 15209 — 40 Inches | Circular Firewood Rack - eBay Link

Hopkins 90144 2X4 BASICS - eBay Link

Pleasant Hearth | Adjustable Heavy-Duty Log Rack - eBay Link

Pleasant Hearth Firewood Rack - eBay Link

About Lucas Lee

Lucas Lee was raised outside the city of Livermore, in the legendary Bay Area of North California. Lucas considers his family and researches to be most important to him. If he isn’t hanging out with his loved ones, you can almost always find him around his sweet little garden of fruits right in the backyard of his lovely home.

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